Single Storey vs. Double Storey: Which Is Better for You?

Design and Architecture

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Choosing a single or double storey home involves understanding and balancing of priorities, preferences and practicalities. Weighing options carefully will help you decide on the best build for your lifestyle and situation. 

Of course, your decision will depend on a number of factors. Family set-up, lifestyle needs, budget, block size and shape, outdoor requirements and local council guidelines are common elements in play. Present and future living needs must also be taken into account when deciding on home design.

Our experience with high-end custom home builds means we’ve seen first-hand the reasons why clients choose a single storey or double storey home. Below are key considerations influencing this important decision.

Why a single storey build?

Being the less expensive option is a common drive for a single storey build — especially when heating and cooling costs are also taken into account. Homeowners generally see an increase in these expenses when opting for a double storey build.

The lack of stairs suits those with less mobility, especially as they age. Single storey homes are also easier to clean and maintain over the years, making them a popular downsizing decision when children move into their own abodes.

Single storey homes often appeal to those who enjoy a sprawling design, especially on an acreage block. They also offer specific design possibility such as higher ceilings and increased access to natural light throughout the home.

For families with very young children, they remove the potential worries stairs represent. Choosing a single storey home can also make it easier to monitor small children and encourage a more shared living experience. 

Why a double storey build?

While they can be slightly more expensive to build, a double storey home can introduce much more space for extra rooms and interior features. The scope of your vision may otherwise prove impossible with a single storey build, especially on a small block.

Double storey homes can massively increase your interior living space, without infringing on your outdoor space. This may allow you to also include a pool, patio or increased play space for children and pets in the final layout.

For those with older children comfortable with stairs, a double storey allows more privacy. Teens can enjoy a sense of independence with upstairs living or younger children can have a rumpus room upstairs, while downstairs becomes a parent’s haven.

The view from the second storey can also increase your home’s value, especially with balconies and large windows that capitalise on the aspect. For many, the frontage of a double storey home has an impressive street appeal.

We can answer your questions

If you’re still not sure, talk to our team about your overall vision. Together we can work toward reaching the best project plan, beginning with a concept design for your site that satisfies both lifestyle, and budget. 

At Crown Building and Construction, we offer a Design & Build service that means one point of contact for the whole process. We aim to take the pressure off, helping you streamline the dream home process from concept to finish.

Make contact with our friendly team to begin your home building journey today.


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