The Tree Change: Why More Victorians Are Moving Regional

Spotlights and Insights

The last 12 months have seen huge shifts in every area of our lives, including where we live. With offices opting for remote working and …

The last 12 months have seen huge shifts in every area of our lives, including where we live. With offices opting for remote working and many of us spending more time at home, many Victorians are looking to move from urban centres like Melbourne to regional hotspots, like our stomping ground in North East Victoria.

With the chance for more space and an affordable housing market, it’s a great time to consider making the move to regional Victoria. Here are just some of the benefits.


Generally, your money will go a lot further in regional areas than in larger cities. If looking to build new, you’ll be able to purchase a larger block of land than in Melbourne and have a little more extra money for luxury touches and personal specifications that complement your lifestyle.

Country living is also a great option for first homebuyers looking to get onto the property market, as it can be much more affordable. In fact, according to the Domain House Price Report from December 2020, the median house price for homes in Melbourne was $936,073, while those in North East Victoria were $381,000. Of course, while building a new custom home will likely cost more than an existing home, the price difference between urban and regional areas is significant.


Open green spaces, low-density living and a non-existent commute – regional living can mean a much more relaxing lifestyle for many.

You’ll get to know your local community and be able to enjoy a closer connection to nature, with the chance to explore the surrounding landscapes easily. A move to regional Victoria doesn’t mean missing out on the fantastic facilities that larger cities offer – flourishing gourmet scenes across the state mean you won’t have to give up on delicious coffee, beautiful produce and fantastic wine.

There’s plenty to explore outdoors as well. In our home of the North East, cycling is a popular pastime, with easy access to the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, which runs through vineyards and valleys, all with a backdrop of spectacular mountains.


Once upon a time, towns like Wangaratta, Beechworth, Yarrawonga and Bright were considered remote with limited facilities. However, developments in infrastructure and technology mean they are now just as connected as Melbourne and other urban hubs.

V-Line trains continue to connect cities all over Victoria, while roads are constantly being improved. Internet and data are also readily accessible, meaning you can Zoom, WhatsApp and Facetime to your heart’s content, without worrying about connectivity issues. This makes working easier than ever, while also allowing you to keep in touch with loved ones.


Are you considering a tree change in the next 12 months? As North East Victoria’s leading builder, specialising in high-end custom and pre-designed homes, we can help bring your country escape to life. Get in touch with Crown Building & Construction today.

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